Le repaire des Lézards
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Le repaire des Lézards

Site communautaire de la guilde des Lézards Gentillets
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Attention, les infos circulant sur ce bandeau ne sont pas de toute première fraîcheur !!!
Plus que 6 jours avant la sortie de Nightfall, pensez à le réserver.
FLASH INFO : Vol de bière et délit de fuite ! Merci de signaler tout nain qui aurait des problèmes de vessie.
Bravo à l'équipe de France de foot pour leur titre de CHAMPION DU MONDE o/
Tsunami en mer de jade !! Envoyez vos dons à lezarducoeur.com/detournement/ectos/kurziks/
Toute la guilde se joint à la peine de la famille de Rurik et de ses proches.
Bravo à Gaëtan qui a enfin débloqué le HM, après des années de dur labeur.
Envie d'être sur la bannière de la guilde ? Prévenez-moi par MP (Foxforce)
Les OxO sont désormais sur Facebook, rejoignez le groupe de joueurs le plus gentillet qu'il soit.

Résultats par :
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Que pensez-vous de la guilde ?
C'est "une guilde d'avenir" (faillot)
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_lcap33%Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_rcap
 33% [ 14 ]
C'est la meilleure que j'ai jamais eu (malchanceux)
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_lcap36%Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_rcap
 36% [ 15 ]
Je tuerais pour y rester (fanatique)
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_lcap21%Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_rcap
 21% [ 9 ]
J'ai connu mieux (déçu)
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_lcap0%Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Autant jouer en solo mais bon... (rabas-joie)
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_lcap2%Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_rcap
 2% [ 1 ]
Quelle bande d'abrutis ici (bisounours)
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_lcap7%Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Vote_rcap
 7% [ 3 ]
Total des votes : 42
Derniers sujets
» [Nintendo] Identifiant
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Juin - 19:57 par Foxforce

» Le meilleur MMORPG de l'année?
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Mar - 17:07 par Foxforce

» guide pour un elementaliste soin
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mar - 12:53 par flavinsky

» Jouer avec ses musiques
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Jan - 20:04 par Martouf

» Lézard d'Or 2013
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Déc - 18:01 par Joe

» Videos , Videos, encore des Videos ....
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeVen 29 Nov - 19:48 par Reine Tapiona

» OverClocked Remix
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov - 20:16 par Dawnasa

» A quoi jouez-vous en ce moment ?
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov - 16:46 par Foxforce

» [GW2] Vos propositions d'améliorations
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeMar 26 Nov - 18:39 par Martouf

» [GW2] Fractales
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeLun 25 Nov - 18:29 par Foxforce

» Activité de la guilde
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Nov - 11:21 par Foxforce

» Ce n'est qu'un au-revoir ...
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeMar 24 Sep - 17:46 par Invité

» [PC] Everquest Next
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeLun 23 Sep - 21:08 par Martouf

» Absences
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Sep - 15:02 par Joe

» [GW2] Topic général sur les mises a jour importantes
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeMer 4 Sep - 12:44 par Joe

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[GW2] Topic général sur les mises a jour importantes
anniv de guilde plan B
"Innovation" Guild Wars : le pacte
[GW] Topic général sur les mises a jour importantes
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3 participants

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MessageSujet: Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007   Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Oct - 12:30

Certains d'entre vous ont surement déja remarqué certains changement mais voici le liste complète (désolé elle n'est pas encore dispo en fr je mettrais en jour plus tard).

A noter le mode hard de gwen, une changement au niveau des quètes uw et fow et le changement au niveau des mini pets (max va etre content) qui ne peuvent toujours etre éxposé qu'une seule fois mais qui peuvent etre porté par tout le monde (on pu les "dé-personnaliser").

Guild Wars Game Update Notes

Update - Friday October 12Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some players from accessing Eye of the North Hard Mode.
Update - Friday October 12
Eye of the North Hard Mode

Hard Mode has been introduced for Guild Wars: Eye of the North. Players who have completed the expansion can now try playing it again in Hard Mode for an additional challenge.

Accessing Hard Mode in Eye of the North

  • To gain access to Hard Mode in Eye of the North, you must first defeat the final primary quest in Normal Mode.
  • Once you defeat the Eye of the North
    quest "A Time for Heroes" with any character on your account, every
    level 20 character on that same account will have access to Hard Mode
    in Eye of the North.
Hard Mode Rewards in Eye of the North

  • Reputation point bonuses for completing primary quests and dungeons are 50% higher than in Normal Mode.
  • Reputation points received from bounties are approximately 50% higher than in Normal Mode.
  • Random loot found within final dungeon chests is doubled from what is given in Normal Mode.
Hero's Handbook and Master Dungeon Guide

  • Pages
    acquired for missions completed without a Hero's Handbook in your
    inventory can now be added to a Hero's Handbook. The cost is 100 gold
    per missing page. Similarly, pages for dungeons completed without a
    Master Dungeon Guide in your inventory can be added for 100 gold per
    missing page.
  • The following Eye of the North title NPCs can now update books with missing pages:

    • Gedral of Ascalon [Vanguard Herald] inside the Eye of the North
    • Kodan [Dwarven Recruitment Officer] in Gunnar's Hold
    • Tyr the Skaald [Norn Storyteller] in Gunnar's Hold
    • Lexx [Asuran Talent Scout] in Rata Sum

  • These
    NPCs now give rewards for any Hero's Handbook or Master Dungeon Guide
    that has at least half of its pages. The rewards given for turning in
    one of these books are as follows:
Master Dungeon Guide rewards

Pages Rep(Normal) Rep(Hard) XP(Normal) XP(Hard) Gold(Normal) Gold(Hard)
9 11,000 16,500 22,000 33,000 2,200 3,300
10 12,000 18,000 24,000 36,000 2,400 3,600
11 13,000 19,500 26,000 39,000 2,600 3,900
12 14,000 21,000 28,000 42,000 2,800 4,200
13 16,000 24,000 32,000 48,000 3,200 4,800
14 18,000 27,000 36,000 54,000 3,600 5,400
15 21,000 31,500 42,000 63,000 4,200 6,300
16 25,000 37,500 50,000 75,000 5,000 7,500
17 30,000 45,000 60,000 90,000 6,000 9,000
18 40,000 60,000 80,000 120,000 8,000 12,000

Hero's Handbook rewards

Pages Rep(Normal) Rep(Hard) XP(Normal) XP(Hard) Gold(Normal) Gold(Hard)
8 2,000 3,000 4,000 6,000 400 600
9 3,000 4,500 6,000 9,000 600 900
10 4,000 6,000 8,000 12,000 800 1,200
11 6,000 9,000 12,000 18,000 1,200 1,800
12 8,000 12,000 16,000 24,000 1,600 2,400
13 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 2,000 3,000
14 12,000 18,000 24,000 36,000 2,400 3,600
15 15,000 22,500 30,000 45,000 3,000 4,500
16 20,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 4,000 6,000

Hall of Monuments

  • Miniatures no longer need to be customized when displayed in a player's Hall of Monuments.
  • Miniatures displayed in the Monument to Devotion are now marked as "dedicated" rather than "customized".
  • Players can use the Monument to Devotion to switch existing miniatures from being "customized" to being "dedicated".
  • Miniatures that have been dedicated in a Hall of Monuments cannot be dedicated again, but they can be used by any character.
  • To prevent trade scams, the Trade panel will warn you if someone tries to trade you a miniature that has already been dedicated.
Report Command

After reviewing the usage of the report command during last weekend's
test, we have decided to enable the command officially. The text
describing the spamming and verbal abuse report commands have been
updated to more clearly explain how they work. Players are never banned
merely because of the volume of reports issued against them. Reports
alert the GM team to review the actual chat logs of the reported
player. The GM team then uses the same disciplinary policies that have
always been applied to emailed reports of spamming and verbal abuse.

  • To use the report command, type "/report".
  • Targeting a player and typing /report or /report
    followed by a player's name opens a new Report Dialog panel. From this
    panel, you can report a chosen player for leeching, botting, spamming,
    using abusive language, or having an inappropriate character name.
    Reports will then be relayed to and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team.
  • You
    can report a player for leeching if you are in the same Random Arena,
    Alliance Battle, or Competitive Mission as that player. If at least
    half your team reports the same player for leeching, that player will
    be stripped of XP and faction rewards for the battle. Note that you can
    only report members of your own party or team for leeching.
  • Reports of botting, spamming, abusive language, and inappropriate character names will be relayed to and reviewed by the Guild Wars
    Support team. Note that reporting a single player multiple times for
    the same offense will not expedite or influence support team attention.
  • A single account cannot use the /report command more than 50 times in a 24-hour period.
We will continue to monitor this feature and make further adjustments as necessary.

Underworld and Fissure of Woe Updates

  • When
    entering into these regions, players will now receive a Mission
    Objective list in their Quest Log. This list informs players how many
    quests they must complete to finish the regions for the purposes of
    full completion and credit for the Hall of Monuments.
  • Quests
    yet to be obtained are marked as "?????" in the Mission Objective list
    until they are discovered by at least one party member.
  • Chests now spawn upon completion of all quests in either of these regions.
Skill Updates

We will be evaluating the following changes over the course of the next
week. Additional adjustments may be made during that time period.


  • Decreased the Health of all Spirits by 50; allowed Burning to affect Spirits.

  • Death's Charge: increased conditional Health to 65..200.
  • Golden Fang Strike: fixed a bug that allowed the use of Golden Fang Strike without a lead attack.
  • Shadow Refuge: increased duration to 6 seconds.

  • Wearying Strike: decreased damage to 5..20.

  • Ash Blast: increased damage to 35..65.
  • Chilling Winds: increased damage to 25..50.
  • Conjure
    Frost, Conjure Flame, and Conjure Lightning: now directly increase the
    damage you do when you hit with an attack (previously, they dealt
    damage as a second, additional strike); decreased damage to 5..20.
  • Ebon Hawk: increased damage to 45..100.
  • Enervating Charge: increased damage to 25..50.
  • Glyph of Swiftness: fixed a bug that increased the projectile speed.
  • Ice Spikes: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.
  • Searing Flames: increased Burning duration to 1..7 seconds.
  • Steam: increased conditional damage to 40..100; increased damage to 25..70.
  • Stoning: increased damage to 45..105.
  • Ward Against Melee: increased Energy cost to 15; decreased duration to 5..20 seconds.

  • Air of Disenchantment: decreased casting time to .25 seconds.
  • Drain
    Enchantment: decreased Energy cost to 10; decreased Energy returned to
    7..15; added a heal effect of 40..120 when an Enchantment is removed.
  • Enchanter's
    Conundrum: decreased Energy cost to 10; decreased casting time to 1
    second; increased damage to 30..120; fixed a bug that caused multiple
    hits of damage when stacked.
  • Energy Burn: increased damage multiplier to 12.
  • Energy Surge: increased damage multiplier to 12.
  • Extend Conditions: decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.
  • Hex Eater Vortex: increased recharge time to 12 seconds.
  • Illusion of Haste: decreased Energy cost to 5.
  • Ineptitude: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds.
  • Keystone Signet: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.
  • Mantra of Recovery: decreased recharge reduction to 33%.
  • Power Drain: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
  • Power Leak: decreased recharge time to 12 seconds.
  • Power Spike: decreased Energy cost to 5.
  • Shrinking Armor: fixed a bug that prevented the Health Bar from turning purple.
  • Signet of Illusions: increased the number of Spells affected to 3.
  • Signet of Midnight: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.

  • Reversal of Damage: fixed a bug that caused this Spell to stop all damage instead of the max damage listed.
  • Shield of Deflection: increased recharge time to 10 seconds; increased duration to 3..10 seconds.
  • Shield of Regeneration: increased recharge time to 12 seconds.

  • Angorodon's Gaze: decreased Energy returned to 12.
  • Chilblains:
    now works on target foe instead of having a point-blank area of effect;
    decreased number of Enchantments affected to 1; increased casting time
    to 2 seconds.
  • Gaze of Contempt: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds.
  • Putrid Bile: fixed a bug that prevented the Health Bar from turning purple.
  • Rend Enchantments: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
  • Rigor Mortis: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds; decreased casting time to 1 second.
  • Rip Enchantment: decreased Health lost to 15..5.
  • Strip Enchantment: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds.

  • Nature's Renewal: decreased Spirit levels to 1..10.

  • Aggressive Refrain: now causes Cracked Armor for 20 seconds when applied.
  • "Go for the Eyes!": increased recharge time to 4 seconds.

  • Agonizing Chop: increased activation time to 1 second.
  • "Charge!": increased movement speed to 33%.
  • Critical Chop: increased activation time to 1 second.
  • Disarm: reworded skill description to explain that it is an interrupt.
  • "Watch Yourself!": increased recharge time to 4 seconds; increased duration to 10 seconds.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Fissure of Woe quest "The Hunt" that prevented players from completing it in some multiplayer situations.
  • Fixed
    bugs in the Underworld quests "Demon Assassin" and "Terrorweb Queen"
    that prevented players from completing them in some multiplayer
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Edielh Shockhunter from displaying correctly and having skills.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Kurzick Base Defender in the Alliance Battles map "Ancestral Lands" to have the wrong model.
  • Fixed multiple small text bugs in skill descriptions.
  • Fixed a line-of-sight exploit in the Heroes' Ascent map "Fetid River".
  • Fixed a bug that allowed miniatures to be killed by traps.
  • Fixed
    a bug that caused players to receive Asura reputation points instead of
    Dwarven reputation points for completing the Heart of the Shiverpeaks
  • Fixed a bug that prevented resurrection shrines in Oola's Lab from appearing on the Mission Map.
  • Fixed
    graphic artifacts on the loading screen and in the Skill warm-up bar
    that appaeared in interface sizes other than the normal setting.
  • Fixed
    a bug that prevented chat messages containing Party Search keywords
    from appearing in the "All" or "Trade" channels while in guild halls.
  • Fixed
    the Party Search purpose droplist so that it no longer resets to
    "Mission" every time the "Seek Party" checkbox is reselected.

  • Improved rewards from Eye of the North chests revealed by the Light of Deldrimor skill in both Hard and Normal Mode.
  • The Master of the North title track now counts toward Favor of the Gods.
  • As with explorable areas, parties now automatically fail in dungeons if they reach a party-wide 60% DP while in Hard Mode.
  • Players now receive the skill Brawling Combo Punch when entering into Fronis Irontoe's Lair in Hard Mode.
  • The
    guaranteed drop from the final chest in Frostmaw's Burrow has been
    changed from a diamond to a lockpick. Lockpicks have a consistent high
    gold value, while the diamond currently has a low value due, in part,
    to the ease of acquiring them from this chest.
  • Reduced the size of activation on the Resurrection Shrine in the Fortress of Jahai.
  • Moved the first Resurrection Shrine in Vulture Drifts to the side of the portal into Dunes of Despair.
  • Gold rewards for vanquishing foes in Hard Mode have been increased to five times the number of creatures killed.
  • Changed several Eye of the North quests so that upon completion, the Quest Log selects and highlights the related summary quest.
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Nombre de messages : 1165

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Présent sur: Guild Wars
Nombre de mois passés dans la guilde:
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Left_bar_bleue54/62Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty_bar_bleue  (54/62)

Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007   Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Oct - 15:18

Et bien j'ai testé aujourd'hui même la commande /report qui fonctionne très bien Smile
Enfin les insulteurs publics ne resteront pas impunis Gnark gnark gnark !!
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Nombre de messages : 388

Feuille de personnage
Présent sur: Guild Wars et Guild Wars 2
Nombre de mois passés dans la guilde:
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Left_bar_bleue73/87Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty_bar_bleue  (73/87)

Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007   Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Oct - 16:04

Dernière édition par le Dim 14 Oct - 16:09, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 2646

Feuille de personnage
Présent sur: Guild Wars et Guild Wars 2
Nombre de mois passés dans la guilde:
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Left_bar_bleue87/87Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty_bar_bleue  (87/87)

Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007   Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Oct - 16:07

Au sujet de la commande report, c'est quoi le GM team ?
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Nombre de messages : 1165

Feuille de personnage
Présent sur: Guild Wars
Nombre de mois passés dans la guilde:
Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Left_bar_bleue54/62Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty_bar_bleue  (54/62)

Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007   Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Oct - 5:58

GM team = Game master team
A mon avis, ca doit etre une équipe de personne responsables du soutien de GW et qui vont a partir de maintenant s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de perturbateurs IG.
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MessageSujet: Re: Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007   Maj du vendredi 12 octobre 2007 Icon_minitime

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